Cheers, chaps, for the perfectly paced lead-out all the way to Malham into the wind. Melv & Robin did a sterling job. After coffee & cakes for myself and barker, it was time to head back, via Otterburn because it is a lovely and little-used diversion. The main group had more pressing concerns and I hear that honours up the Cove were keenly fought, but experience (Melv) triumphed over youth (Graham the fell runner) at the finale - perhaps someone else can add the full tale. And did Phil get his full breakfast?
I can only sit here (warm and comfortable) and admire the dedication of my clubmates out in all weathers riding the hard miles.
Now this Sunday, we could have a 2-speed club run. Starting say 9am from Keighley and meeting for the cafe obligatoire say in Burnsall, or perhaps Hetton as being a bit quieter. The pottering section can go straight there and back, while the fitter and faster brethren add long, hard and steep loops to their heart's content before and/or afterwards.
Anyone up for that?
Mel24 August 2013 12:15
Sounds like a plan Ian - Keighley r/bout 9.00
and decide on a route and, most important, the cafe stop.
Replyand decide on a route and, most important, the cafe stop.
from petehorne
I'd arranged with Big Phil to go to Feizor this Sunday (hav'nt been there since Spring and suffering from saturated fat withdrawal symptoms), where he is to attempt to eat a full breakfast (that should slow him down on the way back) - we were going to get there via Malham Cove and Little Stainforth) but anyone wanting an easier ride could go up to Settle via Bank Newton, I suspect the cafe at Burnsall will be v.busy with it being Burnall Sports/Bank Holiday weekend - hoping to get to Feizor Cafe for 11.30. We will be at Denholmgate 8.30 and Keighley 9am - hoping for a steady paced ride as I'll be a year older tomorrow.